Forensic Technology;
So There Can Be NO Doubt

When it comes to electronic evidence, trust

- Forensic Investigations
- Data Preservation
- Evidence Collection
- Mobile Forensics (GPS, Navigational Systems, PDAs, Mobile Phones, etc)
- Forensic Data Backup
- Steganography Investigations
- Data Analysis
- Cyber Crimes Investigations
Data Breach & Recovery
- IP address and VLAN planning
- VMware cluster housing a protected cloud server
- Initial VM application
- Infrastructure testing plan for failover testing
- Documentation of technical changes required to perform actual tests
- Monitoring of replication and notification and associated escalation when replication fails
- Remediation of replication issues
- Maintenance of replication software and virtual appliances
- Initiation of the failover process upon network failure
Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
If your organizational data has been compromised by malicious programs, knowing their capibilities is crucial to problem resolution. At Syntenex, we assist organizations identify and analyze suspected malware to determine exactly what it was—and how it can impact your daily operations.
Syntenex’s Security Experts can perform:
CODE (static) Analysis
Anti-Virus Scanning
Review of Malware Code (disassembling and assembling)
BEHAVIORAL (dynamic) Analysis
Network Traffic Analysis
File Systems/Windows Analysis